Projects Mentored By The BiiC Incubator
The BIIC is a gateway through which budding entrepreneurs may take their fledgling ideas to commercialization.
Secure Digital Medical Prescription Solution
This is a fast easy cloud prescription service designed to offer security at all points starting with the Doctor who is prevetted to be qualified to be issuing a script who initiates the script using a proprietary Digital Signature that uses the KEPT Identity, Privacy and Authority management solution to turn the scrypt into a blockchain based digital contract with the Biometric identity of the doctor, patient and the dispensing pharmasist all linked to the digital contract.
This is to that the whole process can be remotely managed with Doctor, patient and Pharmasist not nesesarily all present in the same location when the script is created through a video chat based doctor patient consultation and the patient being tracked as the final recipient with the pharmasist also prevetted and biometrically linked to the dispensing of the scrypt as a once off or a multiple set time separated dispencing of the scrypt all programmed into the digital contract that is fully private and secure from fraud!